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  • Currently in NYC — June 7, 2024: Mostly sunny and less humid

Currently in NYC — June 7, 2024: Mostly sunny and less humid

Plus, new ways to support our independent climate journalism

The weather, currently. 

Mostly sunny and less humid

This is more like it! I’m looking for a day with sunshine, 84, blue skies… (anyone else still have that viral finance tik tok stuck in their head?)

Well, it’s tick-tock to the weekend now and the weather is stepping up its game. Mostly sunny skies and comfortable humidity levels will have everyone wanting to take a summer Friday. Don’t be surprised if you see an afternoon shower pop up. Our atmosphere is still a bit unsettled so expect a breezy afternoon along with that slight chance of rain. Overall, a tip-top day on tap! I hope you have a beautiful weekend!

Bike Forecast:

8 out of 10

What you can do, currently.

Currently Weather Service is back in action with some brand new membership perks — designed to help you support independent journalism and green your lifestyle at the same time.